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Our Lady of Good Counsel by
Pasquale Sarullo,
19th century Fransciscan friar,
priest and artist.
Born: 1 April 1828 in Ciminna, Italy
Died: 22 April 1893 in Palmermo, Italy.
Copyright: Global Domain
under the Berne Convention.
For specifics on Masses and their timings, please see the
weekly/bi-weekly Parish Bulletin, under the 5th yellow button above, as it provides the most recent and up-to-date weekly information which can, and does, change at short notice.
Stations of the Cross during Lent
Wednesdays 3.00pm Dymchurch starting Wed 12 Mar
Fridays 7.00pm Hythe starting Fri 7 Mar
Holy Week
Holy (Maundy) Thursday 5.00pm Hythe
Good Friday - Stations of the Cross 2.30pm Hythe
Good Friday - The Passion of the Lord 3.00pm Hythe
Holy Saturday - Mass of the Vigil of the Ressurection 7.00pm Hythe
Easter Sunday - as the regular Sunday Masses
Otherwise Masses and Holy Hour Adoration are usually at the times shown below:
Sunday 9.00am Dymchurch, St. Monica's, Chapel Rd
Sunday 10.30am Hythe church. In the Garden, weather permitting, during the Summer months.
Tuesday 10.00am Hythe church
Thursday 10.00am Hythe church
Friday 9.00am Holy Hour Adoration
10.00am Hythe church
Saturday 5.00pm Hythe church, Sunday Vigil Mass.
The Saturday Vigil Mass is a shorter Mass to meet the needs of those watching the streamed service in local Nursing Homes.
Streamed masses for the elderly/sick and housebound via:
Our Lady of Good Counsel - Kent Churches
St. Moinica , Russian Icon
Copyright: Global Domain
under the Berne Convention.
We warmly welcome new parishioners, visitors, and travelling families.
We encourage new parishioners to fill out a parish registration form provided at the back of our church and let us know if there is any further way we can serve you and your family.
For those who are not Roman Catholic but are interested in knowing more about us, we encourage you to speak with any of our clergy or staff.
We do offer the Rite of Christian Initiation classes for those desiring to
enter and become a member of the Catholic Church or who desire to receive their sacraments as adults.
Please call us for more information
01303 - 773101.
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